The New Moon is an astrological phenomenon that happens once a month that is often overlooked by many as they live their day to day lives. Although we see evidence of this through the changes of the seasons in both animal and plant life, many of us – possibly with enormous arrogance – seem to presume that we are too sophisticated to listen to such basic and ordinary rhythms. However, psychological studies have revealed that our inner world is still strongly influenced by these cyclical changes, and as such it might benefit us to listen to them.
Anytime there is a concern with cyclical changes there is also a concern with astrology. After all, astrology is the cosmic science that ‘weighs and measures’ how the influence of the planets affect human beings and define our lives. Since we are conscious beings (hopefully), we do have more control over the manifestation of such influences, yet we still must recognize that on the inner level our relationship with the planetary bodies is important and beneficial.
Every month the New Moon provides us with a seed level for the upcoming month. It tells us what the basic energy of the month is, and
how we can work with it. We can utilize its power to do intention work or simply to understand ourselves and our inner process on a deeper level. In astrological jargon, the New Moon is actually a conjunction between the Sun and the Moon and every conjunction has a feeling of the sign of Aries attached to it. Since Aries is the most personal of the personal signs, we can use the energy to plan out the month.
The New Moon which happens on August 28, 2011 occurs in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is known for its picky and critical nature, but what does this really mean? On the deepest level, Virgo (since it is Mercury ruled) gives us the ability to see what is wrong with our lives, and begin to work on these issues. In the tarot, it is connected with the wise Hermit card, who through his illuminating lantern reveals to us things that we cannot see in the dark. According to Kabbalah, all of our negative characteristics are simply potentials for creating light. This month we are able to see our self-defeating behaviors in the light of day, and we can begin the process of changing them.
The astrological aspects of this New Moon are powerful and filled with the promise of opportunity if we are willing to take up the task of working with it. The New Moon will conjoin with Venus, trine Jupiter, and trine Pluto creating what is known as a grand earth trine. A grand earth trine is known for its ability to create opportunities in the material world, yet there is the responsibility of staying focused to achieve our desires. If you have ideas or projects that are on the backburner waiting to be born, now is the time to dust them off and give life to them.
Tarot Tune-Up: Get out your tarot or oracle deck. Shuffle the cards thoroughly. Ask yourself the following question, “What are the primary blocks that are preventing my success?” Draw a card out of the deck. This is your block to work through during the month of Virgo.
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